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Marc’s Blog Post #3

Marc makes some very interesting points regarding the importance of the Universal Design for Learning. Marc really seems to understand why designing a framework that makes good on the needs of learners is important for the long term benefits of the learner. I like how Marc looks at both the in-person and online aspects when considering how the teacher would look at implementing it in their classroom setting.

Lorenzo’s Blog Post #3

Lorenzo provides a lot of important information regarding the UDL, and beyond that he provides images that are simple yet effective in their messaging. Lorenzo also found ways to include multiple media sources which helped me learn more about the UDL beyond what we read in class. I specifically noted the Removing Barriers to Online Learning Through a Teaching and Learning Lens source was a very interesting read to include at the end of the blog.

Mike Li’s Blog Post #3

I have attached Mike’s blog site to the link above. I do not see a Blog Post #3 as of yet. Once he posts it I will promptly respond to his post .