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Percy’s Blog Post #2

Percy made some very interesting notes on pedagogy and how they related to their personal learning experience, by emphasizing the need for adaptability and connections to real life. I really liked how Percy also presented some potential challenges to the role of digital learning, and provided ways to introduce different solutions. If I were to add onto Percy’s ideas, I would not only emphasize meaningful engagement, but also prioritizing the wishes of the student in order to find that meaningful engagement would be just as important.

Justin’s Blog Post #2

Justin made some good points in his post regarding pedagogy and it’s role for the instructor, and I would like to focus on his specific notion that the difference in pedagogy is related to the type of course he is taking, rather than the type of student taking the course. Without overanalyzing a single claim, Justin’s perspective of wanting a professor to teach a mathematics course in a straightforward manner, as opposed to for example, a sociology course, in a more discussion and open learning is logical, however I would argue that the consideration should be put more on the student itself rather than the course material. Every student learns in a different way, and while a statistics class might be easier for one person to learn with the teacher simply relaying all the information word for word, another student might learn just as effectively if the teacher were to have a group discussion or workshop.